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Release Highlights in v345.00

VisionVPM build 345.00 contains over 100 enhancements or new features, based on feedback or frequency of request from VisionVPM users.

Default Screen Resolution Increased

The default minimum screen resolution has been increased from 800x600 to 1024 x 768. This change increases the size of most windows in VisionVPM allowing more information to be displayed. View more information about clients or animals in a single window.

Save Report Settings

When printing financial reports, you can now save your settings for future use. The list is restricted in line with user access. Filter the list to find your own reports. This will help you to run the same report consistently now and in future periods without having to remember the parameters you selected.

Write reports directly to pdf and then email

A new report destination of Email pdf has been added to report selection to allow you to send reports as pdf attachments, saving time and paper. The pdf printer driver is now built in to VisionVPM and will be installed with the version 345 update.

Automatic Credit Card Fees

VisionVPM can now calculate and add credit card fees to credit card transactions when fee percentages are set up for credit cards. This helps you recoup the costs of credit card transactions automatically. This is an optional facility.

Key Animal and Client Fields Highlighted

This is to help you drive collection of key data on clients and animals. You choose which entry fields to highlight and VisionVPM will highlight the fields until they are filled. This is a very useful way to remind staff to ask about missing phone numbers or email addresses.

Banking Cut-off point

Utilise the new banking cut-off to stop additional payment transactions being added to the VisionVPM banking and till while you are processing the banking. You can still take payments, but they will be held until the next banking.

New Quick Clinical History Report

Clicking a new button from the clinical history window will generate a screen report of the animal's history showing clinical notes, drugs dispense and lab results in a report that can be easily scrolled through.

Fixed Retail Price option

There is a new option to fix the sale price. This holds the sale price at the same level regardless of fluctuations in purchase price. It might be used to hold a product at the recommended retail price, despite the clinic receiving volume discounts on some orders.

Send Bulk Text Messages through the Boarding Scheduler

You can now send text messages to a list of clients through the boarding scheduler and receive their replies. Add value to your boarding service by sending reminders and updates to clients.

Identify Slow Moving Stock

The Last Purchase date and the Last Sale date have been added to the stock list window and the relevant cost or sale report. This assists with identification of slow moving products to assist future marketing and buying decisions.

See Also

Release Notes VisionVPM v345.00

General Changes v345

Changes to the Clients module v345

Changes to the General Ledger module v345

Changes to the Stock module v345

Changes to the Suppliers module v345

Changes to the Payroll module v345

Changes to the Maintenance module v345

Changes to the Boarding Scheduler

Changes to the Appointment List

Resolved Issues v345