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Stock Variance report

After a stocktake has been entered this report should be viewed or printed . it can also be exported to Excel. This will show the differences between Old Stock on hand and New Stock on hand, also a dollar variance between the old and new stock on hand.

Commonly you may see a negative variance on items like vaccines and Proheart injections that are not easy to stock control. You might also identify significant movements on other "in surgery" use items that are not always effectively invoiced over the period.

For other items, you may want to double check the quantity that was entered relevant to the pack size. If a pack size was ignored then there may be significant negative adjustment.

In other cases, you may see a continual downward adjustment on some line items. In general, you should place these into an Analysis Group called Frequent Count/Problem stock, and count these on a more regular basis, to identify when/where/whom is causing the problem. Make sure you have a wastage book for items that are used in house, or perhaps these items can be sold/wasted back to a client called In House.

See Also

All Active Stock Records

Analysis Groups

Stock Reminders

Vet Stock Type Analysis

Sales Group Analysis

Cost of Sales Analysis

Top Sales Options

Stock Sales

Stock Monthly Sales

Stock Levels

Department Stock Levels

Department Stock Movements

Department Stock Qty

Bar Code Labels

Expiry Report