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Ordering stock automatically - SVS

This section describes how to reorder stock automatically and send the order to SVS.

Before you can order stock automatically you must have first set up stock items to be reordered automatically. For further information on setting up stock items for reordering, please refer to the section Ordering stock automatically.

To send an order to SVS

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Stock Reorder.
  2. Enter the reorder details as detailed in Ordering stock automatically, and click OK.

  3. From the Reorder List window, click Save.
  4. From the Ordering Options window, select the Send SVS products through Vet Channel check box.

  5. Click OK.
  6. From the Set report destination window, select a report destination and click OK.

See Also

SVS Integration

Ordering stock manually - SVS