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Inserting a Location Code

Location codes are used only for horses that are stabled at a different address to that shown in the client details, so you can track the whereabouts of each horse. A location can be allocated a value for the number of kilometres from the surgery, and used to auto calculate the mileage charged on each invoice. By default VisionVPM populates the Location field with the client's code.

  1. From the Animal Details window, click the Location arrow.
  2. From the Location List window click Insert.
  3. In the Code and Description fields, type a code and description for the sire.
  4. In the Distance field, type the distance from your clinic to the location.
  5. Click Save.


The Location Distance will be multiplied by your Mileage fees as you apply them to the invoice for each animal.

See Also

Creating and editing an Equine Record

Inserting a Sire Code

Pregnancy Summary documents