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Step 1: Set up stock items for automatic ordering

You can choose to set up individual stock items or multiple stock items for automatic ordering.

Set up an individual stock item for automatic ordering
  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Details.
  2. Locate the stock item you wish to automatically reorder.
  3. Click Supplier Button to add/edit the supplier.
  4. Enter the Suppliers Product Code for the wholesaler you wish to use.
  5. In the Suppliers Product Code field, type the suppliers code for this stock item.
  6. Click Save.

    Do not use the Reorder Code field on the Stock Details window - this field has become redundant since the expansion of multiple supplier details.

  7. From the Stock Details window, in the Reorder Qty field, type the number of units to be ordered automatically.
  8. In the Reorder Level field, type the level of stock you will have on hand when the stock is automatically reordered.
  9. Click Save.
Department reorder levels

If you use departments you can set up reorder levels per department enabling each department to use different reorder levels.

  1. From the Stock Details window, click Reorder Levels.

  2. You can then enter the Reorder Level, Reorder Qty and Dept details.

  3. Click Save.
Set up multiple stock items for automatic reordering

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Set Reorder Levels.

Previous and Weekly Sales

You can enter a date range to view the previous sales on stock records from the Stock Reorder Levels window. This will assist you in setting realistic stock ordering levels.

If you use departments you can view previous sales by department by selecting the required department from the Reorder Level Type list.

Enter the required date range and click Rebuild.

Note: You cannot enter a date range that is less than a week.

VisionVPM will display the previous sales and will also calculate and display the weekly sales figures based on the stock item's sales in the selected date range. You can now easily see how much of a product you are selling on a weekly basis.

Automatic Levels

There is also an Automatic Level/Qty button on the Stock Reorder Levels window. This enables you to set reorder levels based on the weekly sales on stock items.

  1. Select the items that you wish to calculate automatic levels and quantities for.
  2. Click the Automatic Level/Qty button

    The Automatic Reorder Calculation window is displayed.

  3. Enter the amounts to multiply the reorder level and reorder quantities by the weekly sales. In the example below, the reorder level will be set as the same amount as the weekly sales as 1.00 has been entered and the reorder qty will be set as one and a half times the weekly sales.
  4. Click Update.

To update seasonal levels you must select a seasonal levels Reorder Level Type. In the screen shot below Standard Seasonal Levels has been selected.

  1. Enter a start and end month.

    This can either be the name of the month, for example, February or its corresponding number, 2.

  2. Click Update to save the changes.

Please note:

  1. If you do not select any stock records in the window, VisionVPM assumes that you want to change all stock records and selects all stock records automatically.
  2. If you do not enter any figures in the reorder level or reorder qty fields, VisionVPM assumes that you wish to REMOVE all existing reorder levels and quantities. The following prompt will be displayed:

  3. Click Yes only if you want to clear all reorder levels from the selected lines, otherwise click No.

See Also

Ordering stock automatically

Step 2: Process order in VisionVPM