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Release Notes VisionVPM v344.1

Please note; this release will update the ParList adhoc file to allow the Condition field to be displayed. This file prints the RVM Allocation and Instruction Report.

If you have previously made changes to this adhoc file, and do not want the update to overwrite the adhoc file, please take a copy of the ParList.ahr file and move to another location, for example, your Desktop. After the update has been completed replace the ParList.ahr you previously copied.

If you require any assistance with this please contact the Provet IT Service Desk.


This release includes all Payroll changes required for 1 April 2012, including changes to the ESCT (Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax) calculations.

In This Section

Changes in Version 344.1

Resolved Issues in Version 344.1

See Also

Copyright Notice

Typographical Conventions

Copyright Notice

Getting Started

Clients and Workflow

Stock and Inventory Control

Suppliers Module

Marketing and Promotion

General Ledger

Maintenance and Setup


Release Notes v344.00 - 344.022

Release Notes VisionVPM v344.12

Release Notes for VisionVPM v344.14 to 344.17

Changes in Versions 344.14 - 344.17

Release Notes VisionVPM v345.00

Release Notes VisionVPM v345.01

Release Notes VisionVPM v345.03

Release Notes VisionVPM v346.00

Release Notes VisionVPM v346.01

Release Notes VisionVPM v346.02

Release Notes VisionVPM v346.03-346.04

Release Notes VisionVPM v347.00 - 347.03