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Sales Selections

From a client record, this report provides information on an individual client.

Note: if you wish to run similar reports for all clients or for groups of clients, go to: Main Menu > Clients module > Reports > Sales Selection.

Example of an Individual Report:

An Individual Client's 'Over the Counter Sales' for a specific date range:

  1. Enter date range
  2. Click the check box to select Sales Group. Click on a Sales Group in the list to select, e.g. OTC.
  3. Primary Grouping – select Stock Item from the dropdown list.
  4. No secondary Grouping required.

This will produce a report similar to the one below.

Alter the criteria to obtain the information you require.

See Also

Client Reports

Client Information Report

Client Loyalty Report

Client Monthly Sales

Client Discount Report

Client Invoice/Statement

Client Label

Monthly Sales

