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VisionVPM printing incorrect clinic details on order

Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Goods on Order > select order lines > Print Order.

Previously, VisionVPM did not print the correct clinic details on the order report when you had selected an order containing a department that was not your default department.

This issue has now been corrected and VisionVPM will correctly print the clinic details on orders.

See Also

Resolved Issues v345.03

Client Details not displayed when sending an email

Invoice locked after stock letter printing

No data.doc created when merging client documents

VisionVPM not creating pdf file

VisionVPM not displaying correct reminder information on vaccination certificate

VisionVPM not generating reminders for multiple animals

VisionVPM not retaining client loyalty balances

VisionVPM printing Unreconciled items incorrectly

VisionVPM not sending Account Activity to Excel

Inactive suppliers displayed on supplier invoice

VisionVPM incorrectly printing all orders

Error when printing a Goods Receipt

Bullzip unable to create email reports

Client invoice details superimposed on Stock Transfer

VisionVPM incorrectly displaying Stock List

Sire and Equine Locations incorrectly displayed in vet/user lists

Error when running the Stock Levels or Dept Stock Levels report by analysis group

VisionVPM not displaying employees with KiwiSaver deductions of 8%

Leave Analysis Report displaying incorrect leave

Boarding Schedule error