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Financial and Sales reports not reporting 29 Feb

Previously, VisionVPM excluded 29 February 2012 when you were comparing Feb 2013 to Feb 2012 in the following reports:

This issue has been corrected in this version and now VisionVPM includes 29 Feb 2012 for all comparative reports.

See Also

Resolved Issues v346.00

Ability to add item to locked invoice

No prompt for free product

VisionVPM not printing drug label from Drugs tab

Inability to view client adhoc reports

Invoice prompt on estimate

Incorrect options displayed on Client Monthly Stock Sales

Lab results quick view graph not displayed

Quick view graph not displayed for VetScan results

VisionVPM displaying a balance on invoice

Opening balance stock journal out of balance

Reminders linked to inactive animals

Drug label not printing from History tab

Incorrect client name on SMS List

Depreciating assets with current value of zero

Stock codes not displayed

Quantities on hand incorrect on Stock Variance report

Onhand figures displayed as exponentials

Pay Rate total display

EDF file

Transactions not clearing after Pay Run

Incorrect invoice/statement created for clients

Incorrect Invoice/Statement format displayed

Next Pay Due

Print to File

Incorrect appointment notes on clinical record