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Ordering stock manually

This section describes how to reorder stock manually.

To insert goods to order

  1. Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Goods on Order.

  2. For each stock item you wish to order, in the Stock Code field, type the first few characters of the code, and click the Stock Code arrow, and then select the stock item that you wish to order.
  3. In the Dept field, type the department code to which the stock item relates, then in the User field, type the code of the user who is entering the goods on order.
  4. In the Order field, type an order number for the goods, then in the Date field, type the date of the order.

  5. In the Qty (pks) field, type the number of packs you wish to order, and press ENTER.
  6. The Qty (units) field is populated automatically with the number of units. This amount is the sum of the stock item's pack size multiplied by the number of packs you entered in the Qty (pks) field.
  7. When an order has been created and the Show order instructions check box has been selected the Order No's will appear in blue on the Goods on Order Window.

See Also

Stock ordering

Ordering stock automatically

Save an automatic order