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Inserting a Goods Receipt

Create a goods receipt when you have received the goods and a packing slip (but not an invoice). This allows you to update your stock levels without affecting your pricing structure. Goods Receipts are also used for Forward Ordered product, where the invoice needs to be created later to forward date.

To insert a goods receipt

  1. Go to: Suppliers menu > Goods Receipts.
  2. From the Goods Receipt List window, click Insert.

  3. In the Goods Receipt No and Date fields, type the goods receipt number and date from the supplier's packing slip.
  4. Enter a Description for the Goods Receipt.
  5. Use the list arrow to select Supplier Code.
  6. For each line on the goods receipt, type the first few characters of the stock code into Stock Code and click the list arrow to view items matching the search then double-click to select the stock item.
  7. Tab through to populate the associated GL A/c code, stock Description, Packsize, Dept and Price. Change the Dept if required.
  8. In the Qty field, type the quantity of the stock item, which is displayed on the supplier's goods receipt and press TAB.
  9. To enter freight onto the goods receipt, in the GL Code field, type the freight GL code, and click the GL Code arrow, and then from the GL Account List window, double-click to select the general ledger code for freight.
  10. When all items on the goods receipt have been entered, click Save.

In This Section

To create a Goods Receipt from Goods on Order

To print an existing Goods Receipt

To print a list of Goods Receipts

See Also

Suppliers Module

Supplier Details

Stock ordering

Inserting a Supplier Invoice

Inserting a one-off Supplier Payment

Performing a Supplier Payment Run

Autobanking for Suppliers

Performing a Supplier Mail Merge