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To enter a Cashbook Deposit

Cashbook deposits can be edited or deleted until they have been reconciled.

  1. Go to: Main menu > General Ledger module > General Ledger menu > Cashbook Deposits.
  2. From the Cashbook Deposit List window, click Insert.

  3. In the Number field, type a reference for the cashbook entry.
  4. The default department code will be automatically displayed in the Department field.

    Note: There must be a department code if the Analysis by Department check box has been selected in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > System tab.

  5. The default bank account will be automatically displayed in the Bank A/c field.

    To select a different bank account to where the deposit will be made, click the Bank A/c arrow, and double-click the bank account.

  6. The Date field will automatically display today's date, however this can be over-typed.

    Optional: Click the Name arrow, and then from the Payee/Drawer List window, select the drawer for the deposit or simply type the drawer name into the long field if they have not been loaded.

  7. For each line of the deposit, click the Account arrow, and double-click to select the appropriate general ledger code for the deposit.

    The Description field will automatically display the name of the general ledger code.

  8. In the Dept field, type the department number to which the current line of the deposit relates.

    Note: You do not need to enter a department code on each line unless you are spreading a single cashbook deposit over multiple departments.

  9. In the Nett or Amount box, type the amount of the deposit.
  10. Click Save.

See Also

Cashbook Deposits