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Data Transfer Clinics - End of Year Rollover

The EOY Rollover procedure is performed ONCE ONLY at the Main Clinic.

Follow the procedures in End of Year Rollover.

You will need to advise your other clinics of the new Year Begins date. This must be changed AFTER a successful data transfer, and BEFORE the clinic commences work the next day.

To change the Year Begins Date:

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Company Information > Year Begins.
  2. Change the date to the new Year Begins date as advised above.
  3. Click Save.

On saving, the following prompt will be displayed:
You have changed the financial year begins date. This should only be done if advised by VisionVPM staff to do so, and a password will now have to be entered. Continue?

See Also

End of Year Rollover