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End of Year Rollover

VisionVPM offers the option to roll over at the end of a financial year. End of Year Rollover should only be performed when your General Ledger reports balance with your accountant's reports.

It is not mandatory in VisionVPM that an End of Year Rollover is done. However, an increasing number of Accountants are asking their clients to perform an End of Year Rollover.

This rollover will close off the financials and create new opening balances for your balance sheet. A rollover prevents any accidental posting of information back into a period that has already been filed with the taxation department.

A rollover does NOT remove any records from VisionVPM.

NOTE: A special backup that is retained for reference should be generated before the rollover takes place. This backup should be stored separately from your normal backup system as this is an annual backup that may have to be referred back to.

Prior to processing an End of Year Rollover

  1. Ensure that all General Ledger reports balance with your accountant's reports for the number of financial years that you are going to roll over.
  2. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Database Maintenance > Check Transactions to perform the Check Entries routine for the entire year. There should be no transactions listed.
  3. Go to: Main menu > Clients module > More Reports menu > Debtor Reconciliation to perform a Debtor Reconciliation. This should be in balance.
  4. Go to: Main menu > Suppliers module > Reports menu > Creditor Reconciliation to perform a Creditor Reconciliation. This should be in balance.
  5. Perform a One-off Back up of your Database.

To perform an End of Year Rollover

The End of Year rollover MUST be done on the SERVER and all other workstations must be OUT of VisionVPM

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > End of Year Rollover.

  2. The Current Year Begins Date is loaded automatically and should be the date displayed in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Company Information.
  1. Check the New Year Begins Date is correct.

    When the rollover proceeds, it will automatically update the Year Begins date in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Company Information.

  2. Click OK.

    Note: The Year Begins Date should ONLY be changed through performing an End of Year rollover. This date should not be changed manually, except where there are multiple clinics as described in the end of year rollover procedure for multiple clinics.

In This Section

Data Transfer Clinics - End of Year Rollover

See Also

End of Year procedures

Prior to End of Year

At End of Year

After End of Year

Reports for Accountant

Finalise the financial year