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Backorder calculation

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Ordering > Set Reorder Levels.

VisionVPM calculates the backorder quantity per department when running an automatic stock reorder. This means backorders for other departments will not affect the ordering levels of the department you are ordering for.

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details > select stock item > Department.

The Backorder column is displayed on the Department Balances window, from where you can view quantities on backorder for all departments.

The Backorder Qty amount on the Stock Details window will be the total of all departments' back order quantities.

However, if you have selected Display the department onhand on the stock details window in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab, only the default department's Backorder Qty will be displayed.

In the example below, the default department entered in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Computer Defaults is 1.

See Also

Stock ordering

Ordering stock automatically

Save an automatic order

Automatic order with no supplier selected

Ordering stock manually

Suppliers Product Code on Goods on Order

Supplier codes in Excel spreadsheet

Discontinued Stock