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Merging Duplicate Clients or Animals

If you discover that you have created duplicate clients or animals in VisionVPM you can transfer the details from one client to another and delete the surplus client or animal. There are several different situations that can arise.

Duplicate client with no animals and different financial activity on each client.

  1. Take a note of the sequential number of the client you want to keep. This is found on the client details window, in the box to the right of the Notes and Finance Tab.

  2. Go to the Client Details window of the client you don't want to keep.
  3. Click More Commands > Transfer Info.

  4. Click Yes to continue.

  5. If you are not logged on as Admin you will need to enter call Provet IT and ask for the daily password.
  6. Enter the sequential number of the client from 1) above.

  7. We recommend that you do not select Delete the current client… once the transfer has completed unless you are absolutely certain that everything you need will be transferred. For example, client notes are not transferred and some of these may be important to the client information.
  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Yes to continue.

  10. Click OK.
  11. Once you have checked that everything has been transferred correctly, find the client you transferred the information from and delete the client:

Duplicate client with same animals and different financial and/or clinical activity on each client.

Follow all the steps above.

You will now be left with one client with duplicate animals. If there are different clinical history items for each of these the animals, you will need to transfer the history from one animal to the other animal and delete the animal the history was transferred from.

  1. Rename one of the animals and call it, for example, Fluffy1. You will now have a Fluffy and a Fluffy1. This will help to distinguish between the two animals.

    If there are reminders on this animal, the following prompt will be displayed.

  2. Click Yes to continue.
  3. Go to the History tab for Fluffy1 and select all clinical records by clicking and dragging until all lines are highlighted.
  4. Click More Commands.
  5. Click Transfer History.

  6. Click Yes to continue.

  7. The search window is then displayed. Use then Animal List window in the usual way to find and select the animal you wish to transfer the history to, for example, Fluffy.
  8. Check that all Fluffy1's records have been transferred to Fluffy. If they have been transferred correctly you can delete Fluffy1:

Duplicate client with same animals and same financial or clinical activity on each client.

Select the activities that are the same and delete them. You will then have duplicate clients with the same animals and different financial and clinical activity and can follow the steps listed in scenario 2 above.

See Also


Departmentalising an Existing Clinic

To Clear out Old Transactions

To Check and Standardize Breeds and Species