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Database Utilities

Go to: File menu > Utilities module > Utilities menu > Database Utilities


It is beneficial to defragment your VisionVPM indexes on a regular basis, for example each month. This may help if you notice the program is running slowly.

Note: It is important not to interrupt this procedure while it is running.

  1. Ensure everyone is out of VisionVPM.
  2. Run a one off backup.
  3. The following should be performed on your SERVER:
  4. Leave this to run. We estimate it will take 5 – 40 minutes depending on the size and fragmentation level. It will take longest the first time it is run.
  5. When it has finished a Results dialogue box will be displayed. Click OK, then Close to close out of the Database Utilities window. You are now able to carry on using VisionVPM as normal.

Scanning Data for Faults

This procedure scans for data faults on your VisionVPM database.

Note: It is important not to interrupt this procedure while it is running.

  1. Ensure everyone is out of Vision VPM.
  2. Run a one off backup.
  3. The following should be performed on your SERVER:
  4. Leave this to run. We estimate it will take 2 – 20 minutes depending on the database size and speed of your server.
  5. When it has finished a Database Error Details window will be displayed. If there are any allocation errors, a report should be printed off at the bottom of the window and faxed to VisionVPM.


Database tables have indexes to help speed up data access. If there has been database corruption, it is advisable to reindex these tables. To do this, click Reindex Tables in the Database Integrity box.

Shrink Database File

Shrinking a database file is not recommended. The database performs better when expanded.

See Also


Database Settings