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Database Settings

Go to: File menu > Utilities module > Utilities menu > Database Utilities.

The Database Settings window is where you can customise the database to best suit your hardware and operating environment. The settings here should allow you to get the best performance from your database.

Several options for database settings are offered on this window. A Use Recommended button, offered in each section, will automatically select the settings recommended by VisionVPM.

There are 4 sections on this window:

The first section is a display of basic database properties such as its name, size and the specific version of SQL Server that you are using.

Database Properties

The second section groups together database settings that tell your database how to behave.

Database Size

The third section is for increasing the amount of physical hard drive space the database will use. The database will perform better when it has plenty of free space to write to. If the database is low on space it will attempt to grow. This may slow down performance or result in a fragmented database file which will also slow performance. We recommend that the database is set to a reasonably large size. The maximum size of a database varies between SQL Server versions.

Typically for the following versions these size restrictions apply:

MSDE 2000: max database size is 2GB (2048MB)

SQL Express 2005: max database size is 4GB (4096MB)

If you have enough free hard drive space then we recommend you set the database to its maximum size but not exceeding 4GB unless you are a very large site. If you are using a version with the size restrictions then you may use the recommended button to make the adjustment.

Server Memory

The fourth section is for setting the amount of physical memory that SQL server will use.

Min Memory allocated to SQL (MB) is the minimum amount of RAM that SQL Server will use. When SQL server starts up, it will secure this amount of RAM.

Max Memory allocated to SQL (MB) is the upper limit of RAM that SQL Server will use.

If SQL Server is low in RAM it will attempt to acquire more RAM but will not exceed the Max limit.

There are generally 2 scenarios for adjusting the min and max limits:

Dedicated SQL Server computer
SQL Server on a computer with other applications

See Also


Database Utilities