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Field Options


This popup menu contains options for adding fields and calculations as well as formatting the field.

Add field brings up a list of the files and their fields. Double clicking will add the field to the report.

Add calculation allows a calculated field to be added. See 'Adding a calculation' for more details.

Invisible omits a field from the report outcome but is still available for queries

Totalled includes the field in the totals section.

Format allows the user to select how they would like to see the field displayed.


This allows sorts to be applied to different fields. Multiple sort fields are allowed.

Descending causes the field to be sorted in descending order.

Upper case converts the field's values to upper case for the sorted field.

New Page starts a new page when the sort field value changes.

Subtotals triggers a subtotal section when the field's value changes. (It must be marked as totalled.)


Provides options for related queries between different files.

Automatic connections determines whether to use the Omnis links between the files.

Distinct Rows Only deletes identical rows from the output table.

Maximum Table Rows sets the maximum number of rows allowed. Default: 100,000

Adding a field

  1. Click the Field popup menu.
  2. Click Add Field.
  3. Click once on the file that contains the field you require (this is the top list)
  4. Double click on the field name (This is from the bottom list)
  5. Repeat 3 – 4 for any other fields you need, and then click on Finished.

Operator icons

The field operators are used to add a query for a selected field. This is the backbone on which your reporting results will be based, so it is important to be familiar with each of the options. Examples of each are below.

See Also

Editing Adhoc reports

Editing Window

Report Icons
