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New Marketing Search

A new marketing search can be started from scratch or by editing an existing search to change some of the parameters. Once changed, the new search can be saved under a different name. Any marketing search can be run at scheduled intervals. Results can be exported to letters, labels, email, excel or printed reports.

Client records can be easily tagged and identified with a Client Marker. These markers can be used to further refine a second marketing search or to help evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign.

Go to: Client > Marketing Schedule > Insert

OR Client > Marketing Schedule > Select item > Edit


The toolbar on the Marketing Search Window contains the following three buttons:





Click Save to store a new record in the database. Also use Save to accept and store any changes made when editing a record. The Search Details window gives further search options:




Click Cancel to discard an entry when inserting a record into the database. Also use Cancel to discard any changes made when editing a record. This brings up the prompt:






Clicking Run displays the option to save the marketing search:

Click Yes to save or No to run the search, generating a list of clients or animals matching the search criteria.

There are 5 different areas of the marketing search offering different search options: Client, Animal, Clinical, Invoice and Options. Each window is accessed using the appropriate tab.

The options available in each search window can be used singly or in combination. Examples of searches using some of these parameters are provided below. These are only a few suggestions as there are many possibilities.

The Client Tab

You can select many of the items from the Client Details window on this tab. To select a parameter, enter a value in the appropriate field, otherwise, leave the field empty.

This Tab gives the options of searching for clients by street, suburb, city or marker. These will be used if you want to list or target clients within a certain area, for example, all the farmers on a single road, all clients in a certain suburb.

The Marker field allows selection of one or several markers (Hold down the CTRL key while you select several markers). The options offered for the selected group of markers are:

Match Any will select records that have one or more of the selected markers.

Match All will select only records that have all of the selected markers.

Exclude Matches will exclude all records that have any of these markers.

You can also search for specific information in the Client Notes field, for example, in the Client Details window, you may have entered notes regarding the use of a wheelchair. By entering wheelchair into the Notes contain box you could send those clients a letter informing them about a new wheelchair access to your clinic. Note: There are no wild characters available for this search.

The amount Spent Between two dates can be used to identify top spenders in a particular time period.

The First Visit dates allow you to identify all clients new to the clinic within a certain period. You may wish to know how many there are or send them an introduction leaflet.

The Distance > field allows you to select clients beyond a certain distance from the clinic. You may have some clients who are not local to whom you may wish to send special information or exclude from certain promotions.

The following fields are all Yes / No fields which relate to the fields on the Settings Tab of the Client Details window. To include a parameter, type Y in the box; to exclude type N in the box. If you do not wish to use the parameter simply leave the box empty. Inactive has an N value by default. Unless you change this, inactive clients will not be included in your search results.

The Custom Field boxes are for selection of clients with any of the parameters created in your Client Custom Fields – two on the Main tab of the Client Details window and two on the Settings tab of the client details window.

The Aged Analysis fields allow you to choose the age of debtors (from the list fields) who owe > (more than) amount at the date specified, for example all the debtors who are one month overdue, owing more than $100 at 31 Dec 2007.

Checking the Calculate Balance Due box will include the current balance of these clients in the report.

The Animal Tab

You can select many of the parameters from the Animal Details window on this tab. To use any of the parameters, enter a value in the appropriate field, otherwise leave empty.

Animal records can be searched by Breed or Species using the lists provided as the breeds and species should be standardised.

The contents of the Notes or Colour fields on the Animal details window can be searched by entering information in the Notes contain or Desc contains boxes respectively.

Born between date fields allows you to find animals of a certain age, for example all animals over 10 years old.

Choose Ignore the year of the birthday to select for example all animals born in the last week of January. This can be used to send birthday cards to selected animals.

Click the Sex arrow to select the animal's sex.

Type N in the appropriate box to select animals that have not been Neutered or made Inactive or have no Microchip No.

Only one of the four values for Current Status can be selected at a time. The default status is Alive.

Valid Weight, Body Score and Dental Score entries must contain <, >, =, >= or <= and a weight or score.

The Current Weight can be used on its own, or with the Relative Weight to find animals within a certain weight range.

The Animals with Referrals check box can be selected to identify animals that have been referred through VisionVPM. Referral searches can be further defined using the additional Referral Search fields: Vets Name, Hospital, Suburb and City at the bottom of the window.

The Custom Fields are for selection of animals with any of the parameters created in your Custom Fields on the Animal Details window. Lists assist with selection of these parameters.

Clients who are zero-rated for GST may be located by checking the Zero-rated for GST box. This can be one way of identifying overseas clients.

The lists available from Equine Location and Sire can be used for selecting groups of horses.

The Clinical Tab

Searches for animals can be based on the contents of their clinical records or laboratory records.

The Clinical Analysis Groups are created in Main > Maintenance > Maintenance > Codes and Descriptions > Clinical Analysis Groups.

They are linked to an animal's clinical record through the Groups tab in the Clinical Records window for the animal. This field may be used to identify the records that are involved in a study for example, Elbow dysplasia.

The list options for Lab Results are H, L or HL.

The Invoice Tab

The Invoice tab is activated by selecting the Search Invoice Details check box.

This window provides a search for animals or clients based on a Stock Code (product used), the sales group, the stock analysis group, the vet seen or the total spent between specified dates.

Example: all cats that have been speyed during 6 months this time last year, by vet JJ could be searched for using the following parameters.

The stock Analysis Groups are created in Main > Stock > Stock menu > Analysis Groups.

The Options Tab

The Options tab provides some useful additional quick search options. The number of the required time interval on the right side of the screen should be typed into the box for the required search.


Any of the Extra options can be selected by checking the appropriate box.

Use 'or' searches makes the search parameters exclusive of each other.

One record per client means that each client is reported only once. For example, this could be useful if you want a list of all clients who have bought dog food in the last 6 months as many of them are likely to have purchased more than once.

Display records not matching the current search inverts your search. This is useful when it is easier to choose parameters for exclusion than inclusion.

Any of the Duplicate record options can be selected by checking the appropriate box.

Marketing Search Results

When you Run a new search or Open List for an existing search, a Marketing Search Results window will display your results.

A diverse range of printing options is offered, including:

This window is also a powerful tool for tagging and identifying clients that meet your search criteria. Once you assign a Client Marker to your search results, you can then include/exclude them in subsequent searches very easily.

You can even measure your success by comparing groups of marked clients over different periods of time. For example, you may run a marketing campaign on 8 year old dogs that have not had a dental procedure. Place a suitable Marker against each matching client at the beginning of your campaign. Then run the same search at the end of your campaign. You can now compare the results to the number of previously Marked clients.


The Marketing Search Results window has several buttons on the toolbar:



Click Merge to access merge options for your marketing list.

Click Markers to enable editing of markers on selected individuals or groups of clients.

Click Print to access print options for the list from the Marketing Search. If lines are selected from the list, the option to print only selected lines is offered.

Click Labels to print address labels for the clients on the list. The option to use the animal's name is offered.

Click Custom to access additional fields and the option to export the list to Excel.

Click Clear to remove selected lines from the search list. Note that these lines will be removed from this window. If the window is closed and opened again, these lines will reappear unless the list was Saved.

Click Letters to open the Letters window. New letters can be created by using Insert.

Click Client to access the details screen of the selected client.

Click Animal to access the details screen of the selected animal.


Click Close to close the current window. You will be prompted to Save any changes that have been made to the record in the window.



Adds the selected marker to the selected list members

Clears the selected marker from the selected list members

Prints the letter selected from the Letter button on the tool bar

Saves the current list

Allows you to change a list of records in bulk

Shows the selected Marker +/- Letter

Shows the number of lines in the current list.

Bulk Updates

Bulk updates allow you to make changes, in bulk, to All Listed records or Selected lines only.

Other Options

Other options available from the Marketing Search Results window are as follows:

How to add a Marker to multiple clients

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Marketing Schedule
  2. Use a Marketing Search based on some common attribute of those clients (for example, suburb, product purchase) to generate a list of clients.
  3. Select client then click Clear to remove any clients you do not want to apply the marker to.
  4. Select all clients in the list.
  5. Click the Markers button.
  6. Double-click the marker you wish to apply.
  7. Click Add Marker.

The selected marker will be applied to all selected clients.

How to remove a Marker from multiple clients

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Marketing Schedule
  2. Use a Marketing Search to generate a list of clients with that marker.
  3. Click Clear to remove any clients that should retain the marker.
  4. Select all clients.
  5. Click Markers.
  6. Double-click the marker you wish to remove.
  7. Click Clear Marker.
  8. The selected marker will be removed for all selected clients.

How to save a search

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Marketing Schedule.
  2. Click Insert to create a new search or highlight a line and click Edit to use an existing search.
  3. Once the search criteria are entered click Save the search to display the Search Details window offering options for saving the search so you can use it again at a later date. The options to save is also offered when you click Run.

  4. In the Search Name box, type a name that identifies the criteria you are searching on.
  5. Optional:If you wish to schedule the search to be run at a given date, enter the number of weeks after which you wish it to be run, or enter the next due date.
  6. Click Save.


The new search will be displayed on the main Marketing Schedule list.

How to run an existing search

  1. Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Marketing Schedule
  2. Select the line you wish to run, and then click Run
  3. A list of all clients/animals that currently fit the search criteria will be displayed.
  4. From this window you can merge to Word, print a Custom Report, print letters, lists and labels etc.

See Also

The Marketing Schedule

Marketing Suggestions

Search Examples