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Copy invoice did not retain the new Vet/User code

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client > Activity > select invoice > Copy.

Previously, VisionVPM displayed the incorrect Vet and User code on a client invoice when you had taken the following steps:

1. Selected an invoice from Client Activity to copy to an another animal.

2. Clicked Copy.

3. Selected the animal to copy the invoice to and changed the Vet and User code.

4. Clicked Create Inv/I.

This issue has been resolved and now, when a new Vet/user code is entered on an invoice that has been copied, the new code will be retained.

See Also

Clients Module - resolved in version 344

Email address field deleted

Emailing Clients using Outlook

Incorrect overdue amounts displayed on email

Contact method not removed

Message not displaying when client credit limit exceeded

Deleting a Cash Withdrawn Transaction from Client Activity

Reversed discount invoice displayed incorrect price

Loyalty Scheme incorrectly calculated

Change of department not updating department name

Invoicing a Stock item with a Reminder attached

Emailing Estimates

Microchip Prompt on Stock item

Clinical Template List not in alphabetical order

Incorrect vet name displayed in reports

Incorrect clinical record displayed

Drug Label Details

Incorrect Breed and Species printed

Missing stock items on invoice

Unable to scroll through clinical records

Clinical record not displayed in email

Equine Pregnancy Summary

Batch Invoicing issue with details being removed

Incorrect Animal List displayed when inserting a Batch Invoice

Deleting an Animal from a Batch Invoice

Incorrect Notified Date on Reminders

Marketing Search returning incorrect results

Incorrect Client Details window displayed

Conflict between Diary Notes and IDEXX Reminders

Information in Notes field deleted

Incorrect Current Sales Amount Displayed

Unable to use lower case Client Markers when printing a Batched Invoice List

Gross Profit reporting incorrectly in Client Sales Report

Loyalty Scheme Free Product Report