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Date Due incorrect on Invoice Reminders window

Go to: Main menu > Clients module > Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal > Invoice > enter details > Save.

Previously, VisionVPM incorrectly calculated and displayed the Date Due for reminders on the Invoice Reminders window.

Please note; this was a display issue on the Invoice Reminders window only. The actual date calculated on the reminder was correct.

This only occurred in the following circumstances:

Reminder List displaying frequency of reminders:

Resulting Invoice Reminders window when date was 2 May 2012.

This issue has been corrected in this version and now VisionVPM displays the correct Date Due.

See Also

Resolved Issues in 344.12

Inactive animal text not displayed in blue

Incorrect cheque details displayed

Inactive client icon displayed incorrectly

Emailing Invoice/Statement issue

Hospital List incorrectly sorting

Gross Profit not displayed on Budget report

Stock Price incorrect in Stock Pricing window

.NET Framework error when sending SVS orders

Merge field displayed incorrectly