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Adding Logos to Reports

Go to: Maintenance menu > Report Formats > Report Letterhead Logos.

You can now add, edit, or delete letterhead logos for the following reports:

To add a logo to a report

A ClinicLogos folder will be automatically created in the docs folder, designated in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > System tab > Path to documents on server when you run this update.

  1. Copy your chosen logo to the ClinicLogos folder in the docs folder on your server.
  2. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Report Formats > Report Letterhead Logos.
  3. In the Letterhead Logo window use the Report Type list arrow to select the report the logo is to be added to.
  4. Browse to select the required logo.
  5. (Optional) Specify a top margin, left margin, width and height of the logo.
  6. Click Preview to view the placement of the logo on the report.
  7. Return to the Letterhead Logo window to make any necessary adjustments.
  8. Click Save to retain the changes to the report.

Note: This is designed for letterhead logos - the logo can only be placed in the top section of the report.

Note: A logo can be added to a letterhead report or a non-letterhead report. Before finalising, a test report should be printed to ensure the logo does not overlap the clinic details added by VisionVPM or any details on pre-printed letterhead stationery.

See Also

Report Formats