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Fixed sales price on stock items

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details > select stock item.

You now have the ability to fix the Sales Price Inc amount on stock items.

When the Fixed Sales Price check box is selected, and the price changes on a supplier invoice, VisionVPM will update the Pack Cost and adjust the Markup only. The Sales Price Inc amount will not be changed.

Please note, the Fixed Sales Price option only relates to supplier invoices. If you manually change the Pack Cost on the Stock Details window, or increase stock item prices through Maintenance > Database Maintenance > Stock Maintenance > Increase Stock Prices, VisionVPM will adjust the Sales Price Inc amount accordingly.

An Analysis Group should be created called "Fixed Price Items" and applied any of these stock items. This will help keep track of them in your inventory reports and ensure they are not accidentally sold below cost as the purchase price increases.

See Also

Changes to the Stock module v345

Updating stock price to last cost

Select analysis groups for reorder levels

Stock items with preferred supplier of Provet but no Provet code

Inactivating stock items

User code added to stock adjustments

Date added to barcode labels

Slow or non-moving stock

Barcodes displayed on printed order

Stock Reminders by stock code

Cost of Sales report by vet

Multiple analysis group selection in Cost of Sales report

Controlled Drug report by vet