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Lab results not printing from Animal History

Go to: Clients menu > Animal Details > select animal > History tab.

Previously Lab results would not print from the Animal History in the following circumstances.

  1. Clicked the Lab results button while a History without a lab result is selected.
  2. From the Lab results window selected a Lab result.
  3. Clicked on Print > EmailPDF.

This issue has now been corrected.

See Also

Clients module

Vet name remains when code deleted from field on invoice

Client Settings - Extra Invoice %

Lab Results not emailed

Top Sales Report and Recalculating Star Clients

Incorrect Eftpos amount displayed

Reminders incorrectly applied when multiple animals were invoiced

Ability to edit Settings fields

Banking details incorrectly displayed on client tabs

VisionVPM removing EFTPOS Card Type

Change Font Button

Aged analysis incorrect

VisionVPM removing unsaved data in clinical records

VisionVPM not recognising banking changes

Stock Discount not applied

Loyalty Scheme Free Product message incorrectly displayed

Vetscan results not displayed in VisionVPM

Incorrect stock price displayed on client invoice