
 Copyright Notice
 Typographical Conventions
 Copyright Notice
Expand Getting Started
Expand Clients and Workflow
Expand Stock and Inventory Control
Expand Suppliers Module
Expand Marketing and Promotion
Expand General Ledger
Expand Maintenance and Setup
Expand Reports
Expand Release Notes v344.00 - 344.022
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v344.1
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v344.12
Expand Release Notes for VisionVPM v344.14 to 344.17
Expand Changes in Versions 344.14 - 344.17
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v345.00
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v345.01
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v345.03
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v346.00
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v346.01
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v346.02
Collapse Release Notes VisionVPM v346.03-346.04
   Expand Changes to VisionVPM v346.03-04
   Collapse Resolved issues v346.03-04
      Collapse Clients module
          Vet name remains when code deleted from field on invoice
          Client Settings - Extra Invoice %
          Lab Results not emailed
          Top Sales Report and Recalculating Star Clients
          Incorrect Eftpos amount displayed
          Reminders incorrectly applied when multiple animals were invoiced
          Lab results not printing from Animal History
          Ability to edit Settings fields
          Banking details incorrectly displayed on client tabs
          VisionVPM removing EFTPOS Card Type
          Change Font Button
          Aged analysis incorrect
          VisionVPM removing unsaved data in clinical records
          VisionVPM not recognising banking changes
          Stock Discount not applied
          Loyalty Scheme Free Product message incorrectly displayed
          Vetscan results not displayed in VisionVPM
          Incorrect stock price displayed on client invoice
      Expand Stock module
      Expand Appointment List
      Expand Payroll module
Expand Release Notes VisionVPM v347.00 - 347.03