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Restrict users editing saved client invoices

Go to: Maintenance menu > Users Access > select user > Edit > Module/Action Access.

There is a new option, Edit saved client invoice items, which when unselected will not allow the user to change an invoice once it has been saved.

Please note, when this update is applied all users will have access to editing saved invoices. Therefore, you will have to clear the tick if you want to disallow a user editing saved invoices.

When the user attempts to edit a line on a saved invoice, VisionVPM will display the following message:

The user will be able to add additional line items to the invoice and edit these until the invoice is saved again.

See Also

Changes to Maintenance menu v347.00

Client Direct Debit payments for ANZ - NZ clients only

ABN/GST numbers on individual clinics

Changes to the Estimate Type window

Mark an appointment book to not allow txts to be sent - non .net appointment book

Database name added to the VisionVPM window title