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Discounts - Things You Should Know

Storing discounts in VisionVPM

There are two ways you can store a discount amount in VisionVPM:

  1. Store the discount amount against each stock item.
  2. Add a single discount line item per invoice.
To select discount storage method
  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Stock tab.
  2. Select the discount option that you wish to use and then click Save.

Client Markers

Markers can be applied to your client records that identify them as a sub group that is entitled to an alternate pricing structure. For example, contract client, staff, breeder, or any other group you need to invoice differently.

Setting up a client marker
  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Client Related Lists > Client Markers.
  2. From the Client Marker window, click Insert.
  3. In the Code field, type the code for the client marker.
  4. In the Description field, type the description of the client marker.
To add this marker to your client
  1. Go to: Clients module > Clients menu > Client Details.
  2. Select the client.
  3. Click the Marker arrow, and then double-click to select your new client marker.
  4. Click Save.

Discounting stock by Client Marker

  1. Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details > select stock item > Discount tab.
  2. In the Discount Marker field, type the client marker to discount specific clients or leave blank to discount all clients.
  3. The Cost and non-discounted price are displayed on the right-hand side of the Stock Discounts window for reference.

Prompt for Discount on invoice

This option is available for all discount types. Selecting this option will display a pricing window on invoicing, dependent on how you elected to store discounts in VisionVPM as described above.

Store the discount against each stock item

An Item Pricing window will be displayed, similar to below:

VisionVPM will display the discount amount on each invoice line, as shown below:

Add a single discount line item per invoice

VisionVPM will display a single discount line on the invoice

When invoicing, a Discount button on the Client Invoice and Batch Invoice window will be displayed in blue if stock items have been added that qualify for a discount.

When you click the Discount button, VisionVPM will display the amount of discount calculated for the client, based on the stock items sold, as shown below:

Click the Apply Discount button.

VisionVPM will display the discount line separately to the products.

Incentive Discount

This option is available for all discount types.

It is offered to clients that pay before a specified date. For example, if you pay before 20th February you will get 5% discount on certain stock items. If the client has not paid by this date then you can reverse the discount and the client is therefore charged the full amount.

Discount priority

If you have various discounts set up for one item, only one discount will be applied. VisionVPM will check all qualifying discounts and apply the largest discount to the invoice.

See Also

Stock Discounts

The Stock Discounts window

Group Discounts

Discount Names