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Creating an analysis group

Go to: Stock menu > Analysis Groups.

  1. From the Analysis Group List window, click Insert.

  2. In the Description field, enter a name for the analysis group.
    Please note: The Infovet Stock Group field will only be displayed when this option is selected in Maintenance > System Defaults > Stock Tab.
  3. Click Save.

A list of analysis groups can be printed from the Analysis Group List window.

You can select to apply a loyalty scheme to a group of products via Analysis Groups. Please refer to the chapter on Setting up a Loyalty Scheme on an Analysis Group further in this User Guide.

It is important that you establish a robust naming convention that reflects the intended use for each Analysis Group. If you intend to categorise your fees by each manufacturer, then prefix the Analysis Group with "Manufacturer.."

This way your groups will be grouped together and will be easy to manage as your business grows. On the previous page you can see how all parasite control products have been prefixed with: "Brands – Parasite Control." If an Analysis Group has multiple uses, then make sure you document how it would be applied in VisionVPM.

See Also

Analysis Groups

Applying an analysis group to a group of stock items

Removing an analysis group from a group of stock items