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Using the Boarding Scheduler

To make a booking:

  1. Double-click the selected cage on the first day of the booking to display the Board Booking - New window:

  2. VisionVPM will display the details of the selected cage and the Start Date of the booking.
  3. Book Out the number of days the cage is required and press TAB to display the End Date.
  4. Select the appropriate Suite Booking Status - this will shade in the booking according to your customised setup.

To delete a booking

  1. Double-click a cage in the booking to display the Board Booking window.
  2. Click Delete to remove the booking.

To change a booking

  1. Double-click a cage in the booking to display the Board Booking window.
  2. Click Edit to open the window for editing and make the required changes to the booking.
  3. Click Save.


  1. When the animal arrives for boarding double-click the cage to display the Board Booking window, select Edit and then select Arrival.
  2. If an animal is hospitalised prior to or during it's stay, the Admission Status - In Hospital will be ticked, and the cage will display the colour for In Hospital until the animal is discharged from the hospital.

Other features on the Boarding Scheduler window:

See Also

Boarding Scheduler

Boarding Scheduler Setup
