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Clinics are used in VisionVPM when a practice has multiple branches and within those branches they want to use separate departments for reporting purposes.

For example:

Clinic Level Tauranga A Tauranga B Tauranga C

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Department Level Shop, Vet Clinic Shop, Vet Clinic Shop, Vet Clinic

To Set up a Clinic

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Codes and Descriptions > Clinics.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. In the Clinic Name box, type the name of the clinic.
  4. Click the Default Hospital arrow to select a default hospital if you wish to use different hospital names for each clinic.
  5. Enter the Default Client Marker for the clinic which will allow VisionVPM to automatically populate the Marker field on the client details window when you insert a new client.
  6. Enter the Invoice Statement Remittance Options for this clinic.

Please note the following:

If you are using multiple departments attached to clinics, VisionVPM will default to the client marker corresponding to the default department set up in Maintenance menu > Computer defaults.

See Also

General Related Lists


Vet and User Names

Autobanking Setup