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Autobanking Setup

Autobanking allows you to use desk-top banking to pay your Suppliers and/or your Employees. The Autobanking facility is currently only available to New Zealand users.

The transactions are entered into an autobanking file which can then be transferred to your banking software, eliminating double-handling. The transactions will still appear on your bank reconciliation.

To set up Autobanking

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Codes and Descriptions > Autobanking Setup.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. Select I want to use autobanking for my supplier payments to set up autobanking for suppliers.
  4. Select I want to use Autobanking for my payroll to set up autobanking for payroll.
  5. Select the Bank you use.
  6. Enter your Company's name in the Your Company Name field.
  7. In the Default Output file name field, enter a path where the autobanking file will be saved to, for example, c:\Omnis7\Banking\Autobanking.txt.
  8. In the Bank Account Code field, enter the general ledger code for your bank account.
  9. Enter your bank account number in Your Bank Account Number field.

Note: A BNZ bank account number is 15 characters long.

  1. Click Save.

See Also

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