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Check Bank Reconciliation

This report shows the opening and closing balances for a selected sequence of statements. It is useful for helping to find where problems with reconciliations started when used in conjunction with printed statements.

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Database Maintenance > GL Maintenance > Check Bank Reconciliation.

  2. Enter the numbers of the statement range you wish to review.
  3. Enter the Opening Balance from the first statement of the selected series.
  4. Click OK.

Check the closing balances of each statement against your printed statements and if you find that a Closing Balance in VisionVPM does not match the printed statement you will need to go back into that statement number, as a previous reconciliation, and resolve the issue. This may require un-reconciling the entire statement and re-reconciling again. If you require assistance please contact the Provet IT Service Desk.

See Also

General Ledger Maintenance

Recalculate Bank Recs

Bank Rec Problems

Update Bank Rec Link

Write Department Budgets

Transfer Accounts

Update GL Levels

GL List

Import/Swap GL Accounts