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Change Stock Prices

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Database Maintenance > Setup Datafiles > Enter daily password > New Datafile Routines > Change stock prices.

This option allows you to change Pack Size, pack cost, Markup or sales price on multiple items from a single window. You can choose to view a single sales group or all items. Enter the Code of the required sales account or leave blank to select all.

On the Stock Code Changes window select one or more fields that you wish to edit: Pack Size, Pack Cost, Markup, Sale Price.

Optional: Select Keep Sale Price the same whenever you do not want the sale price to change when adjusting other items.

Note: You will be unable to zero pack costs for any items with previous activity unless Allow cost changes for products with activity is selected.

If you try to zero a pack cost on a product with previous activity, without selecting this option, the following prompt will be displayed:

If you select Allow cost changes for products with activity the following prompt will be displayed:

You will need to contact Provet IT to obtain this password.

Make your required changes.

Click Save to proceed.

Click Yes to accept your changes.

See Also

Set Up Datafiles

Import Client Balances

Insert Client Aged Balances

Mixed Case Names

Change Stock Codes

Enter Stock Sales/Purchase Groups

Change Client Names

Change Client Case

Change Equine Details

Delete Accounts

Add Stock Discounts

Unique Stock Codes

Change Stock Types

Attach Reminders

Change Animal Breeds

Swap Reminders