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Adhoc Reports

These are existing reports that you can open, change and save. VisionVPM was designed to allow document creation without having to rely on Microsoft Word. Hence these documents are created and edited using the tools in Omnis7. A reasonable level of computer skill is needed to create or edit these, so you should contact support if you feel unsure about making any alterations.

These forms include consent forms, client and animal labels, RVM authorities and can be printed from the following windows:

The path to your adhocs folder is set in Maintenance > Computer Defaults > Path to Adhocs. Ideally, this folder should be located on your server, so if you are changing an adhoc you only have to change it once. If your adhoc files are stored locally, after you have made changes on one computer you will either have to change the adhoc file on all other computers or copy and paste the altered adhoc file to each computer.

In This Section

Editing Adhoc reports

Adhocs available from the Marketing Schedule

Inserting New Adhoc reports

See Also

Setting up Documents

Clinic Documents

Stock Letters

Word Option for Stock Letters