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Changes to reports

As stated in the section above, all reports for all modules are now accessible via the Reports menu.

This means you no longer have to open each module first to access the Reports or More Reports menu to find the report you want.

To access the Clients reports, click Client from the Reports menu.

A window, similar to the one below will be displayed.

Column definition

Column Header



Name of the report


Description of the report

User Comments

Additional information provided by the user


A red flag will be displayed when Provet Practice Solutions has added a new report.


Score you mark this report. Useful if you want to hide reports you do not frequently use.

To run a report, select the required report and click Run.

To edit a report to change the User Comments, New status or Rating/Relevance, select the report and then click Edit.

Client Update when all required changes are made.

To view another module's reports select the report module option.

To search for a report on a specific word/phrase, enter the word/phrase in the Report Filter field and click Search. All reports that contain the word/phrase in either the report name, description or user comments will be displayed.

To display the complete description of the report, select the Show Full Description check box.

The full description of the selected report will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

To display only the reports that you have rated by a certain of number of stars, select the number of stars in the Show Ratings On/Over option. Only those reports marked with or above your selected ranking will be displayed.

In the example below, three stars were selected, therefore, only the reports with three stars or more are displayed.

If you do not use a particular report, for example, Statement Run you can remove all of the stars.

If you do not want to see this report on the list at all, select a Ranking of at least one star.

The report is no longer displayed.

See Also

General Changes v347.00

Changes to the menu system

Swapping databases

Changes to user access

Changes to icons

New Toolbar