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Standard Discount (3 Tier)

Go to: Stock menu > Stock Details > select stock item > Discount tab.

Tiered discounts allow you to specify a discount for quantities purchased.

  1. If the client purchases an amount within the 1st quantity level, they will receive the 1st tier discount.
  2. If the client purchases an amount within the 2nd quantity level, they will receive the 2nd tier discount.
  3. If they purchase an amount equal to or greater than the 3rd quantity level, they will receive the 3rd tier discount.

You can choose to have this quantity break discount applied to ALL clients, or to one specific marker.

  1. For each discount tier, in the Disc Price (inc) field, type the discounted price


    in the Discount% field, type the amount of the discount.

  2. In the From Qty and To Qty fields, type the required quantities that the client must purchase in order to attract this tier discount.
  3. Click Save.

See Also

The Stock Discounts window

Single Discounts

Multiple Discounts By Markers

Special Date Discount

To Apply Incentive Discount as Part of End of Month Procedures

To Reverse Discounts on Unpaid Invoices