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Animal Breeds

Breeds and species are a means of identifying animals not only in their clinical records, but also for the purpose of marketing searches. To use the Marketing Schedule to its full potential it is important to prevent several interpretations of a number of breeds or species being entered into the database. For example, if a clinic has: German Shepherd and GSD options available, some dogs will be entered under each and a search for "German Shepherd" will not identify all the dogs of that breed in the database. VisionVPM is supplied with a standard list of Animal Breeds, but this may not suit all clinics.

To stop extra breeds being added unnecessarily as new animals are entered into VisionVPM, you should select Disable breeds being added from the animal window by going to Main menu > Maintenance Module > Maintenance menu > System Defaults > Clients tab. The result of this will be that Animal Breeds cannot be added or edited anywhere in VisionVPM except through Main menu > Maintenance Module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Animal Related Lists > Animal Breeds.

To Insert a New Animal Breed

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists> Animal Related Lists > Animal Breeds.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter a Code.
  4. Enter the name of the breed in the Description box.
  5. Select the Species from the drop down list.

    Each breed should have a species linked as this will populate the species field on the Animal Details window automatically when the breed is selected.

  6. Click Save.

See Also

Animal Related Lists

Animal Analysis Groups


Custom Fields - Animal

Sire Codes

Location Codes

Referral Vets

Boarding Suites