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Referral Vets

These windows allow the details of referral vets to be stored so they can quickly and easily be linked to animals when referred.

To Set up a Referral Vet

  1. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Lookup Lists > Animal related Lists > Referral Vets.
  2. Click Insert.

  3. In the Vets Full Name and First Name fields, enter the vets name and first name.
  4. In the Hospital Name and address fields, type the name of the hospital and address details.
  5. In the Phone and Fax fields, type the corresponding numbers.
  6. Enter Email address.
  7. Click Save.

See Also

Animal Related Lists

Animal Breeds

Animal Analysis Groups


Custom Fields - Animal

Sire Codes

Location Codes

Boarding Suites