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To set up an RVM Authorisation

Go to: Clients menu > Client Details > select client > RVM.

  1. From the RVM List window, click Insert
  2. From the RVM Details window, click the Product Code arrow and select the product you are going to dispense.
  3. Click the Animal Name arrow, and select the animal to whom you will be dispensing the product.
  4. In the Qty Allowed field, type the total amount approved for dispensing over the whole period.
  5. In the Start date field, type the date this authority was put in place.
  6. In the Vet Code field, enter the code for the prescribing vet.
  7. To display a message on the invoice whenever the stock item is sold, click the Message arrow, and select the invoice message.
  8. The Instructions field displays any warnings that have been entered in the Label Warning field on the Stock Details window.
  9. In the Condition field, type any further information to be provided to facilitate and explain the need for the PAR.
  10. If the RVM authority is to be effective immediately, ensure the Inactive check box is unselected.
  11. Click Save.


An RVM authorisation will be loaded on this client's record linked to the appropriate animal. When the client comes in asking for a 'repeat prescription' or more medication, the information can be quickly and easily found from the client record and there is evidence that the veterinarian has already approved it. If the authorisation has expired, or if the full amount has already been dispensed, VisionVPM will prompt the staff member who can then contact the veterinarian about how to proceed.

Once an RVM authorisation has been created for a product under any client, the product will require an RVM authorisation for all other clients. Any time the product is sold without being connected to a consultation (animal record) the following prompt will appear:

Medications can also be identified as RVM products on the Stock Details window.

See Also

Restricted Veterinary Medicines (RVM) Process

RVM default period

Marking a stock item as requiring an RVM authorisation

To print RVM authorisations

To print a prescription

To print a Word prescription

To edit the Word prescription templates

To sell a RVM from an authorisation

How to use the RVM system simply and efficiently