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How to use the RVM system simply and efficiently

Create an RVM against the client as described above.

Invoice farming clients in the following manner:

Go to: Clients menu > Batch Invoicing.

  1. From the Client Invoice List window, click Insert.
  2. Select the Do not reduce RVM allocations check box.

  3. Click the Animal Code arrow, and double-click to select the required animal.
  4. In the Vet and User fields, enter the vet code and the user code.
  5. For each stock item, click the Stock arrow and select the required stock item, and then enter the quantity sold and the price.
  6. Select each stock item, click the Record tab, and then click Add Item Desc to display each item sold on the clinical record.
  7. Click Save, and then click Drugs.
  8. Enter the required expiry dates and dispensing instructions for each stock item.
  9. Click Save, and then click Print.
  10. Enter the number of drug label copies that you require, and click OK.
  11. Select the report destination, and click OK.


Go to: Main menu > Stock module > Stock menu > Stock Details > select the stock item.

  1. From the Stock Details window, in the Label Warning field, type the details of the label.
  2. Click Save.

    This will then automatically populate the label field whenever you sell the item.

There is an RVM report available from Clients module > Reports menu > RVM Report. This report displays the RVM allocations with an end date within a date range.

For example, the following report displays RVM allocations with an End Date between 1 August 2011 and 31 August 2011

This report is an excellent marketing tool as you can see which clients RVM allocations are coming up for expiry. You can then ring them to let them know that they need to purchase their allocated drugs before the RVM expires.

See Also

Restricted Veterinary Medicines (RVM) Process

RVM default period

To set up an RVM Authorisation

Marking a stock item as requiring an RVM authorisation

To print RVM authorisations

To print a prescription

To print a Word prescription

To edit the Word prescription templates

To sell a RVM from an authorisation