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Step 6a: Print Invoice Statements or Step 6b: Print Statements

Statements for individual clients can be generated at any time by clicking Statement from the Client Details window for the selected client.

Printing all statements or invoice/statements should be a regular end of month activity.

Some clinics may choose to do this more frequently (for example fortnightly). If statements or invoice statements are run at any time other than month end, this must be set up in maintenance. Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > System defaults > Financial tab.

In the Client Financial area select the following option:

Before statements or invoice/statements can be printed, the report format must be selected from Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Report Formats. Separate options are available for Statements and Invoice/Statements.

To print statements or invoice/statements

Go to: Main menu > Clients module > Reports menu > Invoice/Statement Run or Statement Run.

  1. In the Current Period fields, type the date range for when you want to print your invoice/statements.
  2. To print invoice/statements for selected clients, select Selected Clients. The following additional fields will be displayed.

  3. To print a Clinic Based Copy (multiple invoice/statements per page) or a Client Order list (lists the debtors, with markers and addresses in alphabetical order by code), select either of these options.
  4. To exclude clients with a credit balance or balances below a certain amount, check the Exclude clients in credit or under check box and enter the amount in the field provided.
  5. To save the aged analysis to the client record, select the Save aged analysis to clients record check box.
  6. To sort the invoice/statements by client marker, select the Sort by client marker check box.
  7. To print a statement message for clients with overdue balances of 1, 2 and 3 months, click the 1 Month, 2 Month and 3 Month list arrows, and select the statement messages. These messages are set up in Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Codes and Descriptions > Invoice messages.
  8. Click OK.

Difference between an Invoice Statement and a Statement

The Invoice Statement displays the Invoice content and payments received whereas the Statement only shows the Invoice amount and payments received.

Example of an Invoice Statement

Example of a Statement

See Also

Client EOM

Step 1: Check Unallocated Payments

Step 2: Add Fees and Discounts

Step 3: Check Transactions

Step 4: Print Debtor Reconciliation

Step 5: Print Aged Debtors

Step 7: Close Client Module