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Step 7: Close Client Module

When you enter a closing date for debtors no further invoices or payments can be dated prior to the date you enter.

This is important because when you next print your Invoice/Statements they will be in a new period and any transactions that were entered in the previous period will be missed.

You should enter a close period date for debtors immediately after you print your invoice/statement run.

  1. In the Period Closing Date window, type the last day of the month for which statements have been run in the Debtors Closing Date field.
  2. Click OK.

Only client transactions dated after the Debtors Closing Date can be entered into VisionVPM. If a transaction with an earlier date is entered, the following message will be displayed:

The date on the item will need to be changed to a date after the Debtor Closing Date, for example, 1 Feb 09.

See Also

Client EOM

Step 1: Check Unallocated Payments

Step 2: Add Fees and Discounts

Step 3: Check Transactions

Step 4: Print Debtor Reconciliation

Step 5: Print Aged Debtors

Step 6a: Print Invoice Statements or Step 6b: Print Statements