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Mark Stock Items as Consumables

Go to: Main menu > Maintenance module > Maintenance menu > Database Maintenance > Stock Maintenance > Mark Stock Items as Consumables.

This routine will mark the nominated stock records in an analysis group as consumable products.

It will automatically create a stock adjustment removing the stock onhand amount from the stock record.

Note: Depending on the size of the stock adjustment, this may cause an increase or decrease in your Cost of Sales in the month that you turn stock products into consumables. Therefore, this may then result in a higher or lower profit figure for the month.

If you wish to use your consumables for automatic reordering you will need to stocktake your consumables in order to enter the correct stock onhand amounts.

You can choose to attach a particular purchase or expense general ledger account to each stock item.

You can also choose to allow VisionVPM to:

The following message will be displayed when you run the procedure:

  1. Click Yes to the above message and the following window will be displayed:

  2. Click the Selected Analysis Group arrow to select the Analysis Group which contains the stock records that you wish to mark as consumables.
  3. Optional items:
    1. Click the Change the purchase group to arrow and double-click to attach a purchase or an expense general ledger account.
    2. Select the Calculate the cost from the purchase activity for items without a cost check box.
    3. Select the Calculate the cost as $1 if there is no purchase activity check box.

    If you choose to leave the last two fields blank, the Pack Cost will remain as it was prior to running this procedure.

  4. Click OK.

    VisionVPM will:

    You can display a list of your consumable stock records by going to Main menu > Stock module > Reports menu > Stock List > select Consumable > OK.

See Also

Stock Maintenance

Increase Stock Prices

Increase Professional Fees

Calculate Average Stock Purchase

Dept/Overall Stock Differences

Calculate Bar Codes

Formulation Options

Average Cost Differences

Delete Update Stock on Hand Journals

Packsize Changes

Calculate Stock Codes

Unique Stock Codes

Delete Duplicated Stock Reminders

Round Stock Prices to 2dp

Round Sale Prices to nearest 10c

Stock Control Check

Average Cost - Current Cost Differences

Fix Incorrect Stock Amounts

Check Stock Transfer Links