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Save Till Balance

In VisionVPM, the Till Balance contains the following payment types:

The Till Balance does not contain EFTPOS or Direct Credit payments.

Saving the Till Balance is a required part of the banking process. There is provision in VisionVPM to change the amount you are banking.

When you save the Till Balance, VisionVPM moves the amount from the Till Balance account to the Safe Balance account. This action can be compared to removing your cash, cheque and manual credit card receipts from your cash draw to your safe.

Banking Procedure

Each time the till is balanced you should:

  1. Remove the float.
  2. Count the cash and cheques.
  3. Remove the cash and cheque from the till.
  4. Replace the float in the till.

Go to: Clients menu > Daily Banking > Step 4: Save Till Balance.

  1. Type the total amount of cash, cheque, and manual credit card receipts that you will bank in the Total Taken for Banking field.
  2. Click OK.


See Also

Banking Process

Print Client Audit

Save Eftpos Deposit

Print Till Audit

Save Bank Deposit