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Save Bank Deposit

Saving the bank deposit is the final step of the banking. The Bank Deposit window gives the opportunity to adjust cheque totals and to add or remove cheques. If cheques are added or removed, the cash balance will be adjusted accordingly so that the banking total remains the same.

Ideally, you should save your till balance and complete your bank deposit at a similar time. Where clinics save their till balance at night and then complete the bank deposit the following day, they may find the till balance has changed because there have been additional payments (cheque or cash) since the till balance was saved.

Before you can save the bank deposit, you must have saved the Till Balance.

Go to: Clients menu > Daily Banking > Step 5: Save Bank Deposit.

  1. Ensure the Total, Cash and Nett Cheque match the amounts you will physically bank.
  2. Click Save to save the bank deposit and print the Bank Deposit Summary report.
  3. Select a report destination, and click OK.
  1. Click Yes to the following prompt only if you can verify that the cheque and cash totals are correct and two copies of the Bank Deposit Summary report have printed correctly.


See Also

Banking Process

Print Client Audit

Save Eftpos Deposit

Print Till Audit

Save Till Balance