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Using Wordpad for Merges


Where MS Word is not available, Wordpad can be used. MS Word gives more formatting and document options, so where available, MS Word should be the application of choice.

When setting up paths in Main > Maintenance > Maintenance > Computer Defaults, insert either the Path to MS Word or Wordpad, but not both.

Setting up for Wordpad

Ensure the path is inserted in Main > Maintenance > Maintenance > Computer Defaults and select the check box:

Click Save.

To create a Wordpad merge document:

Go to Main > Clients > Clients > Select Client (+/- Select Animal)

Where animal information is to be used in the merge, the document should be created from the Animal Details window. Where only client information is used, the document can be created from the Client Details window.

  1. Click New Document to open the Document Options window

  2. Select the new letter template already in place.
  3. Type the name of your new document in the Name field.
  4. Select Create a letter template.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Press CTRL+V to insert all available merge fields.

  7. Edit the Wordpad document as required. Copy and paste or drag and drop to move selected merge fields round the document.
  8. Delete remaining merge fields listed that are not required.
  9. Click Save.

Merge animal and client information to a Wordpad merge document the same way as you would merge to a Word document: from the New Documents button on the Client Details or Animal Details screen or via the Marketing or Reminder Schedules.

See Also

To Create a New Word Document

Merge your document