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VPMail Setup

Before you can merge to email, you must have matching and compatible versions of Word and Outlook for the HTML merge; i.e. you can use Word 2002 and Outlook 2002 but not Word 2002 and Outlook 2000.

VPMMail is an add-on component of VisionVPM which allows you to send and save HTML (rich text) emails for either individual clients or as a marketing/reminder schedule mail merge option. You can also save letter templates and re-use them later. This means that you can generate much more interesting looking merge emails. Attachments can also be added using the attachment field.

Click on the + sign to locate the files you wish to attach.

VPMMail Setup

For VPMMail to work you need to have the .Net framework 2.0 installed on the computer that is sending the email. You can check whether this has already been installed through the Add/Remove Programs option in the Control Panel in Windows. It will be listed as Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0. If it is not listed you can download it from the VisionVPM ftp site. Call the support desk if you need assistance.

It is recommended that you set the default font within Internet Options to Arial. To do this, complete the following:
Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Fonts > select Arial from the Webpage font list. Click OK.

To set up in VisionVPM

Go To: Main > Clients > Email Options > Email Setup.

The Email Setup window allows the user to choose between using Outlook or VPMMail when sending individual emails from the client details window as well as providing setup options for SMTP Server and reply email addresses.

Please note that while the default option for sending individual emails is Outlook, merging to email through the Marketing or Reminder schedule will always use VPMMail.

When using VPMMail the following options need to be set:

SMTP Server: This is the name of the server through which to send your emails. If you use a mail server on your network you would enter the name or IP address of that server here. Otherwise, if you send emails out through an Internet Service Provider (ISP) such as Xtra or Telstra Clear you would use their SMTP details. An example for accounts with Xtra would be

Default reply email address: This is the main email address for your clinic which will be sent with each email. This address can be changed to one of the 'extra' reply addresses at the time of sending an email.

Extra Reply Addresses: A list of alternative reply addresses can be entered here and they will be selectable from a drop down list when sending an email. The addresses should be entered on a separate line with just a carriage return between them.

To create a client email list

  1. From the Marketing Search Results window, click Merge.
  2. From the Merge Options window, select email, then select Consolidate the animal names so that each owner receives only one email rather than one email per animal.
  3. Click OK.
    The VPM Merge Editor window will be displayed.
  4. Click on the Options tab to access previous letters if required.

    Following is an example of an email template.

  5. VisionVPM merge fields can be added to the body of the email from the panel on the right. From this window you can:
  1. Click Options if you wish to save the email
  2. Once your email is completed and ready to go, click Send.

To view previous emails sent through VPMMail

  1. Go To: Main > Clients > Email Options > Open Email Outbox.

    Previous emails that are pending or sent can be viewed by opening the email outbox. A window similar to the following will be displayed:

  2. From this window the user can:

Note: Replies to emails that are sent from VisionVPM will appear in the Inbox of your normal email program.

See Also

Marketing and Promotion

Client Information



To Create a New Word Document

Using SMS Text for Reminders

The Marketing Schedule

Setting up Documents

Loyalty Programmes