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Client End of Month Procedures

Go to: Main menu > End of Month Procedures > Client EOM > Step 3: Add fee and discounts.

An Invoice Desc field has been added to the Add Fees and Discounts window, allowing you to enter a description which will be printed on client's invoice/statements.

By default, VisionVPM will populate this field with Interest on overdue balance.

Add Fees and Discounts window in this version:

Add Fees and Discounts window in the previous version:

See Also

Changes to the Clients module in version 344

Client Notes field has been increased

Cheque Details button turns blue

Finance tab on Client Details window

Receipt printing

Info button available on Client Invoice

Clinical record sequence number added to Drug label

Viewing a Printed or Locked Invoice

New Adhoc Reports for Printing Clinical History

New Merge Fields for Word Documents

Prosure Application Form (AU)

Prosure Claim Form (AU)

Neuter check box added to the Equine Details window

Branding fields added to the Equine Details window

Embryo from Mare field added to Pregnancy Details window

Caslicked check box added to the Equine Pregnancy Details Window

Equine Signalment field added

Email button renamed on Lab Results window

Increased functionality for linking lab results (NZ)

Transfer Lab Results

Increased functionality for the automation of reminders

Merging to Adhoc option relocated

Adhoc Reports available from Marketing Schedule

New fields added to SMS Check for Replies Options

Changes to Aged Debtors report

New Estimate Search function

Aged Debtors Reconciliation