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Reminder Details

Go to: Maintenance > Lookup Lists > Stock Related Lists > Reminder Details > Insert

In the Reminder Code field, enter a suitable code.
Select Standard reminder for reminders that do not require immediate, in-clinic follow up.
You can select Daily reminder if this reminder will be used as an immediate reminder in the next day or so.
Dairy Note reminders can be used to set up a "To Do" list for vets or staff and could be used, for example, to remind a vet to phone a client regarding an animal, post surgery.

In the Description field, enter a description for the reminder.

Only select the Don't display these reminders on the client details screen check box if you do not wish the reminder to be displayed on the Client Details screen. If reminders are not displayed on the Client Details window they still can be viewed on the Reminders tab on the Animal Details window.

The Default Frequency is the measurement of the period that will be offered for the reminder interval.
You can select either Months, Weeks or Days.

You can enter a description of the reminder in the Text field, for example, the vaccine products, which can then be displayed on vaccination certificates.

For further information on using reminders please refer to the Stock User Guide.

See Also

Stock Related Lists

Stock Letters

Label Details

Analysis Groups

Discount Groups

Stock Locations

Stock Fees